Tag: tech
Hi-Tech, Future, Sci-Fi, Mega Gadgets, Intergalactic, Movies & Games Inspired Rainmeter Skins
Don’t know what is Rainmeter or using it? Rainmeter helps you to place widgets or gadgets or small app on your desktop. These skins are highly customizable and measures or displays a variety of information from CPU, RAM, Network, Drive Space, Weather, GMail inbox, RSS feeds, iTunes, WinAmp controls or your very own dock. To…
HTC One X vs. Samsung Galaxy S3, which one is best for photography?
Same like twins HTC One X and Samsung Galaxy S3 are common in most of aspects. These two powerful slate sized touch screen based smartphones equipped with the greatest and latest technology available today. The HTC One X comes with Jelly bean Android 4.1 operating system where as Samsung Galaxy S3 comes with Ice cream…